Iron Tigger's Top Picks
I finally got to visit Lance and Erin at their box, Red Stick Crossfit.  They are one of three local affiliates here in Baton Rouge.  Lance is a full time firefighter and Erin works full time they also have a little girl and another on the way.  She is trying to deliver on 25th of September to conveniently coincide with Fight Gone Bad this year! 

It is a testament to their dedication that they are able to run this box with a new family and two full time jobs!  That dedication shows in the coaching Lance provides and the community they are creating in the box. 

That being said, I love visiting new boxes. 
1) It means on a long met-con I have a chance of beating folks
2) I usually get one-on-one training with the box owner
3) The owners are so enthusiastic they renew my Crossfit Energy!

While it wasn't one-on-one the entire session, Lance coached me one-on-one through an entire CF Total!  He even stood in for a back squat rack since his rack was at home getting painted! 

I was about done with the Total when another client, Mark, walked in and although I was not planning on doing the scheduled WOD, Lance talked me into it with one statement.  "You can't let him do this WOD alone!"  He was right, working out alone sucks!  So I ended up doing:

CF Total:

Shoulder Press: 70 lbs (with my bum shoulder this was  a PR for me!)
Back Squat: 125 lbs (not sure if this is a PR, but if not it is close!)
Deadlift: 185 lbs (and it was UGLY!!!)

Then I did:

10 Rounds
10 Bodybuilders with weight (burpee with bumper plate lifted from ground to overhead on every rep) 10# bumper
10 situps (abmat)

Because of my shoulder I wasn't able to do full burpees, so I didn't do a pushup, but did have to lock out in plank position before picking up the weight!

Final time 17: 38ish (my notebook isn't where I can get to it)

Here is a picture of Mark and I suffering while Isabella plays around with the rings!

Lance and Erin are creating an amazing community.  A few weeks ago they did an Iron Chef challenge after the last WOD on a Friday.  They had about 10 people show up and the results were apparently interesting but good!

My Advice: If you can't make it by in person, check out their blog on a regular basis to see what community building activities they have got in the works!

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